Our Cash Sweep Program
We automatically deposit money not invested in securities into the FDIC Insured Sweep Program. You have same or next-day access to your funds without penalties.
See current Cash Sweep interest rates
Using Cash in Your Identified Portfolios (known as "folios")*
You can incorporate cash into your folios by using the ticker symbol FDIC.CASH. To do this, you must buy the amount that you wish using the ticker symbol FDIC.CASH into your Folio. Money deposited into your account will generally sweep into our cash vehicle (symbol) and you need to actually purchase FDIC CASH like a security in order to use it in a folio. Cash in FDIC CASH earns interest but cannot be used to cover new purchases, checks or electronic funds transfers because it is held like a security.
Cash held in a folio can be given a weight just like any other security in a folio. For example, if you want to hold 10% of your folio in cash, simply buy the ticker FDIC.CASH and set the weight to 10%.
*The folios feature is not available to all customers, but all customers have access to our cash sweep program.
See current FDIC CASH Interest Rates
Higher Yielding Cash Investment
FDIC CASH PLUS is designed for investors who want higher interest rates on larger amounts of cash, with safety of capital, and easy next-day access to funds. There is a $25,000 minimum investment to earn interest in this higher-yielding cash investment. Balances below $25,000 do not pay interest. FDIC CASH PLUS is held in Non-Folio Holdings.
Learn more about FDIC CASH PLUS
Important Notes
- Cash investments are commission-free.
- Rates automatically adjust depending on the balance in the investment.
- Cash rates can change at any time without notice, based on current market conditions.
- Interest is calculated daily and posted to your accounts monthly.
- All deposits or withdrawals from FDIC CASH and FDIC CASH PLUS will appear on monthly account statements and trade confirms.
- Cash provided for deposit into FDIC CASH or FDIC CASH PLUS before 2 p.m. EST on a business day will generally be deposited to the Program Bank and begin accruing interest on the same day. Cash provided for deposit made after that time on a business day will generally begin accruing interest on the next business day upon deposit to the Program Bank.
- FDIC CASH SWEEP, FDIC CASH and FDIC CASH PLUS deposits are aggregated for FDIC insurance purposes, and deposited in the same insured deposit cash account at Program Banks and Direct Banks under our extended FDIC Insured Deposit Program and governed by the terms of that Program. However, FDIC CASH PLUS deposits stand alone and are not aggregated with any other cash holdings in a customer account to determine rates or tiers.
- Funds deposited through the FDIC CASH and FDIC CASH PLUS mechanism are not available for check writing, withdrawal or ACH. Funds must be held in the Cash Sweep Program to be eligible for new purchases, check writing, withdrawal and ACH. Consequently, you will need to sell FDIC CASH or FDIC CASH PLUS to move the cash into the Cash Sweep Program the business day before those funds are needed to cover these items.
- See the Terms and Conditions of the Customer Agreement relating to the Program for additional information.